Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds’ Fitness Coach Advocates for Enjoying More Food This Holiday Season

Discovering the secrets to enjoying the holiday season while still adhering to a healthy lifestyle is a pursuit many undertake. Renowned personal trainer Don Saladino, who has been guiding Hollywood power couple Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds for over a decade, shares his insights on maintaining wellness during festive times. Known for his effective and sustainable fitness approach, Saladino emphasizes key principles that can help individuals strike a balance between indulgence and maintaining healthy habits.

Prioritize Non-Negotiables:

In the midst of holiday festivities, Saladino recommends focusing on three essential pillars of a wellness routine that come at no cost: hydration, achieving daily step goals, and quality sleep. Emphasizing that these fundamentals can be upheld even during busy times, he encourages individuals to make them a priority.

Embrace Weight Training:

Dispelling the myth that weight-lifting causes bulkiness, Saladino advocates for incorporating strength training, particularly for women. Stressing the benefits for metabolism and muscle resilience, he challenges women to venture into programs like Deadpool 2, designed based on Ryan Reynolds’ workout routines.

Eat Strategically Before Events:

Saladino challenges the conventional approach of starving oneself before holiday gatherings. Instead, he suggests increasing protein intake, consuming ample vegetables, and staying hydrated throughout the day. By doing so, one can savor festive meals without overindulging and experiencing post-celebration regrets.

Diversify Your Workouts:

To combat monotony and enhance enjoyment, Saladino recommends varying workout modalities based on location, priorities, and any existing injuries. Acknowledging that exercise should be enjoyable, he encourages individuals to explore different movements, ensuring that fitness routines remain engaging and adaptable throughout the year.

Train for Consistency, Not a Season:

Saladino dispels the notion that fitness transformations happen overnight, emphasizing the importance of consistency. Instead of fixating on intense workouts every day, he encourages a more realistic and sustainable approach. Recognizing that everyone has varying energy levels, he advocates for maintaining a routine even when sessions are less intense.

Identify What Makes You Feel Good:

In a simple yet impactful piece of advice, Saladino urges individuals to evaluate how their lifestyle choices make them feel. By understanding the positive impact of healthy habits, one can make informed decisions about their well-being. Saladino emphasizes the need to find a balance that allows for occasional indulgences without compromising overall health.

As we navigate the holiday season, Don Saladino’s practical tips derived from years of working with high-profile clients offer a blueprint for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating these strategies, individuals can enjoy the festivities guilt-free, embracing a holistic approach to well-being that extends beyond seasonal resolutions.