Blake Lively has disclosed that she doesn’t enlist the help of professional stylists and prefers to choose her outfits independently

Blake Lively has disclosed that she doesn’t enlist the help of professional stylists and prefers to choose her outfits independently

Blake Lively is regarded as one of the best-dressed celebrities, often drawing admiration for her sense of style and red carpet appearances. Surprisingly, she has disclosed that she doesn’t enlist the help of professional stylists and prefers to choose her outfits independently. Recently, the revelation came to light about the person who actually aids her in selecting clothes—her mother.

Despite stepping back from film projects to focus on family life, Blake Lively continues to captivate audiences with her fashion choices on the red carpet. Widely recognized as one of Hollywood’s best-dressed stars, she has consistently asserted that she doesn’t rely on professional stylists. However, it has now been revealed that her clothing choices are guided by her mother.

In an industry where celebrities often hire a team of professionals to perfect their makeup, hair, and outfits for major events, Blake Lively stands out by opting to create her own stylizations. She has long maintained that she enjoys the process of styling herself and has recently shed light on her reasons for not employing qualified specialists.

“The desire for control and a substantial ego hold me back from hiring a stylist—this is probably the most honest answer to why I won’t hire one,” the actress stated, as quoted by the ELLE portal. “I simply enjoy doing it on my own. I love design and fashion, and this allows me to unleash my creativity. Acting is a creative pursuit as well, but the process is prolonged and involves the participation of many others. Styling myself, I control everything from A to Z, and I see the results in the near future. For the same reason, I enjoy doing my hair, makeup, and cooking for friends—you can demonstrate creativity and complete the task entirely with your own hands. It’s completely different from working on set, where you do something, and the result may be ready in two years. It all boils down to a sense of control,” she explained.

However, Blake Lively did not mention a crucial detail. While she claimed to create her own stylizations entirely, it turns out that she has assistance from her mother, Elaine Lively, in choosing her outfits. Elaine, who had a significant influence on her daughter’s Hollywood career, worked as a manager for Hollywood stars for many years. She often took her children to work and to meetings with celebrities. Blake’s father, also connected to the world of cinema, played a role in helping her secure her first role, shaping the trajectory of her career. The actress is immensely grateful to her parents and enjoys working with them. Elaine frequently advises her daughter on red carpet styling, offering important insights, especially regarding accessories and jewelry.

In a recent Instagram post featuring a photo with her mom, Blake expressed her preference for the term ‘maximalist’ over ‘collector,’ stating that it makes her feel better. The post highlighted their shared love for necklaces and bracelets. Blake also shared a snippet of a conversation in which her mom, when asked about which accessories to wear for a photo, simply replied, “all of them.”